30 October 2008
Hope you're up for some Headstocks at The Kicking Horse Grill this Saturday!
"Kicking Horse Grill? What's that?" we hear you ask. Well, once upon a time it was known as The Boxcar. Now under new management, The Kicking Horse aims to be the
live music night spot in lower Fairfield County. Food, fuel, dance floor—yeah, they got it covered. Headstocks are on the case! Check out what's happening next Saturday,
and let us show you good time, whaddaya say? Love to see you! Where: Kicking Horse Grill, 17 Pease Ave., Southport, CT (off Exit 19 of
I-95). When: Saturday, Nov. 1st Who: "That's Headshtocks. Clahshing
Headshtocks." [Cue theme music while band downs vodka martinis—shaken not stirred.]
(And for those of you on our mailing list, the answer is no, we are not too proud to recycle content.) 17 March 2008
Happy St. Patrick's Day to y'all! Clashing Headstocks are rolling back down to the Redding Roadhouse
this Saturday, March 22nd. The pleasure would be all ours if you could make it down for some good food and good music. Hope to see you there! 1 December 2007 Clashing Headstocks thank all of you who came out to Daniel J's
last night for our debut at that venue. Attendees of note included Pat, Lucy, Bernadette, and Sharon; Sally and Gary; Joan and Ed—whom we'd also
like to thank for sitting in and rocking out so capably on a couple of our tunes!—Anita and Dave(!); Simon; and Nick L.(!!). We'd also like to thank
everyone we met for the first time that night, who had such a great time dancin' and hangin' and hollerin' and made it such a party for us. Hope we see you all again, soon. You're the best!
20 November 2007 At this time, Clashing Headstocks want to wish all of you the happiest of
Thanksgivings. What are we grateful for? So many things: hobby horses . . . electric razors . . . lawn darts . . . cattle prods (don't ask) . . . bank
overdraft notices . . . individually-wrapped cheese slices . . . large, rectangular-shaped boxes . . . geothermal venting . . . the Big Bang . . . and, most importantly, humanity's non-stop need to totally rock!
Seriously, we couldn't do this without you. Most of all we're grateful for all of you who have come out and supported us with your words, your applause, your awesome dance moves—your presence. That's
what the shouting is all about. It means a lot to us, and we thank you. Ah, but time (to paraphrase the poet) is on your side! If you've a mind to, check out our Schedule page. Da 'Stock is (er, um) in da house(s)! M'shouza!
Come on out, and see and hear why nine out of ten housewives are sick and tired of taking meaningless surveys!You will not be displeased. 31 October 2007
Whoo-hoo-ooo! . . . Clashing Headstocks are grateful to all of you who came down to the
Georgetown Saloon on the 5th. We can't begin to do justice to all who showed up, but Peggy, Tom, Sally, Pat, Bernadette . . .
Joan, Sharon, Carol, Cindy, Doug, Ed, Dave, Jay, Len . . . man, we know we're leaving some of you out, but what we remember—that ain't what it's about—you folks, you folks was great!
Thank you for coming down! And thanks, in particular, to Russ and Charlotte for staying with us throughout their weddiing rehearsal party, and hanging so late into the night, on the eve
of their vows. You folks taught us what it's all about, and we thank you!Having said that, at this moment, we have to extend our congratulations to Pat & Dave
, for tying the knot, and throwing a terrific, musical bash to celebrate the moment. Ask Hat City Blues
, ask Shoo Fly Blues, ask a Headstock (go on, ask one!). . . it was a night to remember! Our wish is for
those two, crazy kids to enjoy a world of excitement, exploring the adventure that is them, and their new life together.Oh, and before we forget—brain-dead little Headstocks that we am—we
want to invite all of you to join us as we explore the mystery that is Daniel J's
for the first time! If only for that reason, it's sure to be special for us—and we want it to be special for you, too! Come Friday, November 30th
, c'mon up to Daniel J's! It's da happenin' place!(Okay, was that a take? Did we sell it right? I mean, we like these guys,
they're doin' it right, we want everyone to come down and all . . . oh, crap, is this still o--) 29 September 2007
Clashing Headstocks will be layin' it down at the Georgetown Saloon this Friday, October 5th
, and we'd like all of you to come along for the ride! This is our first appearance at the Saloon as a band, and you would honor
us with your presence and show of support. The food is good, the staff is friendly, and the dance floor more than easy to get onto. Come on down for a night of music, dance, and fun! 31 May 2007 Hope you're all revelling in this spring weather. We've got some happenings we'd like to let you know about, and some specifics regarding
pervasive HeadstockeryTM.On Saturday, June 23rd, we'll be taking the caravan down the road once
again to the Redding Roadhouse. We've celebrated the Roadhouse's
virtues before in story and song. Those of you who have been there know why. If you haven't, come down and find out just how cozy a tavern can be!On Saturday, July 14th
, we'll be returning to the annual carnival at St. Greg's in Danbury
. If your summer just won't be complete without a heaping helping of fried dough and a slew of fun rides, this is the place.
Mother-tested, kid-friendly, and Headstocks approved. We'll be cranking it up in the early evening and playing right through until they close the gates. C'mon down and have some family fun!
Off on the distant horizon lies October. No need to think about it too hard right now, but we would appreciate it if you'd flip your calendar ahead long enough to mark October 5th
as the day the Headstocks will play the first night of their own at the Georgetown Saloon
! This one's kinda special for us, and we'll be looking forward to seeing as many of you as can, to come on down and help us break the place in, Headstocks style! Home Schedule Members Songlist FAQ Links What's New
16 October 2006 Here's a message from Bill to all of you:Hi all
Thanks again to everyone who came out to Red's this past weekend. Your presence, both musicians and non-, really made the night for us. It was such a treat to see so many great players there and sitting in. George
, Frank, Doug, Bob, Jay and Gary, we were honored and a bit humbled, thank you. :-) Hope I didn't leave anybody who played out. A special hats off to Ed
for doing such a fine job covering for Sean on bass.
On a personal note, a very special thanks to Doug for sitting in on drums. You sounded great, man, and it gave me chance to dance with
Bernadette which I haven't been able to do nearly enough lately. ;-)
Jay, please send my thanks to Bob C. for me.
Great pics Sharon!
thx Bill
We'll just add here how great it was for all of us to see Cynthia, Elise, Sally, Cindy, Pat, Sharon, and—of course—Bernadette, too. 9 October 2006 Yep, it's true, we're returning to Red's this Friday, the 13th. And just to
make it more interesting (as if such a thing could be possible!), we'll be sporting as a special guest, from Hat City Blues
(and the occasional post office lobby poster) . . . Ed Pryzby on bass guitar!When Ed heard Sean wouldn't be available for our next date, he
immediately threw his hat in the ring to sub, and we're grateful to him once more (not the least because we have yet another hat, and just see if he ever gets it back, bwah-hah-hah!). We also want to thank
Vince Howley for coming by Red's last time and gracing us with his guitar and vocal talents, as well as all the great folks from Lakeside—Jeff, Jack, Bert, Lucy, and Sean—who added such
wonderful variety to A Night At the Headstock. Most of all, we want to thank you--the secret ingredient to all the great times we Headstocks get to be part of! 17 August 2006 Well it was just seventeenth! . . .Oh my, we have to tell you, we had a blast last Saturday at St. Greg's
, not the least because of Ed Pryzby, from Hat City Blues,
who, against all reason and logic (and all that other stuff that oftentimes mostly gets in the way of having a spontaneously good time—which, believe us, he knows) . . .
who graciously helped us out with major bass action. Our thanks to you, Ed! (Too much gush. Look, stop any one of us on the street and ask us about
it. The man is a hoot an' a holler . . . and plays a mean guitar, as well.) And thanks to all of you who came by to see us carny folk. Carol & Dave,
Sharon & Ann, Bernadette, Pat, Sean & Lucy—Vince!—Russ . . . we know we won't remember all the names, and there will be much gnashing of teeth
over't. And, still the same, we are glad you came. Thank you! This Friday, 18 August, how could you possibly go wrong by checking out Clashing Headstocks at Red's Place in New Milford? We've asked
ourselves . . . meeting after meeting . . . urns of coffee consumed . . . we just cannot come up with a satisfactory answer. There simply is no downside. Come see us. (Hope we see you!)
17 June 2006 Those lovable, squeezable Headstocks would like to thank everyone who came out to Red's Place
last night. It wouldn't have been a party withoutcha! Special thanks go out to Ed Pryzby of Hat City Blues
for lending us his humor and talent.We'll be returning to Red's next month, on Saturday, July 22nd, and we're looking forward to seeing you all there! 20 May 2006 Owing to all of you who came out to
Red's Place four weeks ago, Friday, the 28th, Clashing Headstocks will be returning on Friday, June 16th! We
can't thank you peoples enough for watchoo done: Bob&Mary, Patty, Annie G, Pat, Loo-cee!, Simon & Nancy, Leslie, Peggy, Dave & Carol, Chris . . .
and everyone who placed a foot on the dance floor and moved it around, thank you! We were right there with you.And how 'bout Bobbie C from Kankakee, Edzo P of the highest degree,
Vinnie H from the west of Thrace, Oolong Ron of the Mystic House of Thong? . . . these guys came, they heard, and they joined us and gave us
wonderful things to remember in our ears. They. Got. Hot. If you were there, you know how right it was. (And Sully, next time . . . soon, we hope.)
Ladies, and gentlemen, thank you all. 22 April 2006 Next Friday, the 28th,
Clashing Headstocks are pointing the caravan up to Red's
in New Milford for a night of funk, blues, and straightahead rock'n'roll!We know it's been awhile. Lord knows, it's been too long for us. Some of
you have seen occassional Headstocks blips on the radar during the interim--e.g., Bill's standout drumming with Cinnamon Sky
and Hat City Blues, and Bob's guest appearances with the
Doug Wahlberg Band. These are all good friends and great players, but nothing quite scratches
the itch like having the Headstocks crew together again. We're all looking forward to it, and hope you'll come by to ride the high! Home Schedule
Members Songlist
FAQ Links What's New 12 August 2005
Clashing Headstocks had a terrific time tonight playing the carnival over at St. Gregory the Great Parish in Danbury. We want to thank all the old
friends—and new! (e.g., Denise, Nick)—who showed up and said hi.It's a two-way street, folks, and as much as we love playing, it's vindicating
as all getout when somebody tells us they've enjoyed what we've done. A careless observer might chalk it up to egotism—and be the poorer for that error. We're very clear that that is not what it's about. See, we will do what we do, regardless; we're just wired that way. But when somebody we've never met before comes up and tells us something
like, "I had so much fun listening to you guys, it's so great to hear live music. . . ." That's it, that's the crux, that's the nut for us, right there. 'Cause
it's a thrill and an honor to be able to do this, and the people who get it make us want to do it even better than last time. You people take us higher, and we thank you for that.
14 May 2005 Clashing Headstocks got some nice ink last Friday in the Danbury News-Times.
Ryan Foust conducted a friendly, professional interview, and our heartfelt thanks go out to him for his kind and able assistance in spreading the word about the band!
(If any of you were expecting some inane pun regarding Mr. Foust's name, and diabolical bargains with the media in general, then you really need to get your mind out of the Goethe.) 10 April 2005 Clashing Headstocks will be shakin' it up down at
The Lodge this coming Saturday, the 16th! We had a terrific time playing there in January
and February. With the weather warming, the patio should be open, so you can bask in the spring night while we rock your cares away.We want to thank everyone who came down to the Redding Roadhouse
a couple of weeks ago and made it such a good time for us. Rumor has it we will be returning to the Roadhouse later this year, so bookmark our
Schedule page, and check back on it often for updates! 25 March 2005
Clashing Headstocks have rescheduled our date at The Lodge for May 21st to May 6th.
Home Schedule
Members Songlist FAQ Links What's New
10 December 2004 Clashing Headstocks are thrilled—yes, you heard right: thrilled (as Yodo
might put it, "Shameless, you are!")—to announce that we will be playing at the Redding Roadhouse on Friday
, March 25th! We had a wonderfully enjoyable night there last time, and we hope you all can come out and join us while we spark some of that ol' debble Headstocks magic once again.
The food there is terrific, and the cozy ambience is not to be missed. (No need to make any snap decisions. Roll it around in the back of your
mind. Come March, when spring is clawing its way back to life against the vicissitudes of winter, it'll be the Perfect Thing. (Trust us.) 20 November 2004 We know it's been awhile since this page has been updated, but never fear—we've got some performances lined up for 2005.
Clashing Headstocks will be returning to The Lodge in Southbury on Saturday, January 15th! Directions thereto are but the merest
click away. (If you were lucky enough to be there last night when Hat City Blues Band shook up the joint, you already know what a happening place this is. Mark your calendar!)We're also pleased to report that the Headstocks have been invited to return to Lunacon 2005! The exact night has yet to be nailed down, but it will be either Friday or Saturday night,
March 18th or 19th. As soon as we've worked it out with the good folks who organize the convention's programming, we'll be sure to let you know—both here in What's New
and on this site's Schedule page. So, like, um, check back regularly an' stuff.
14 July 2004 By popular request*, we've added a Schedule
page to the site, to expedite one-stop browsing. Bookmark, Add to Favorites . . . do what your Web browser of choice requires of you to streamline future visits. We
promise to hold up our end by keeping it current.We'd like you to note that Clashing Headstocks will be appearing at the outdoor carnival at St. Gregory the Great Church on August 12th
at 7:00 p.m. We'll add more details as they become available, but here's a link to directions
on St. Gregory's Web site. * Okay, we admit it: no one requested it. It just seemed like, y'know, a good idea.
10 July 2004 The Headstocks are heading down to The Lodge in Southbury on Saturday, July 24th
. If you haven't been there (or even if you have), come on down and check it out! It's a cozy place with a lively pool-playing crowd on one side, and a dining room/entertainment space on the other. There's
also an outdoor patio that opens off the performance room. Very hospitable place. We're looking forward to playing there, and hope you can come out and join us! Directions are but a
click away. 13 May 2004
Just a quick note to let you all know Clashing Headstocks will be playing a 7:30 p.m. set this Friday at the Hat City Celebration and Carnival, sponsored by St. Peter's Church, located on the corner of Main St. and
Center Street in downtown Danbury. The carnival is being held on Center Street proper (directly across Main from Danbury Police Headquarters), with both ends of the street blocked off to traffic.
Grab the kids and come on down. There are rides, food, and entertainment for the whole family. As a bonus, when our set is done, Gutter Boogie
Band will be taking the stage. Sound like a party? Hope we'll see you there! 1 May 2004 We had a terrific time last night and we thank all of you who came down to Mario's! We also want to thank John Sullivan for joining us for some
tunes with his exemplary harp work, and Bruce Tibbitts for some tasty axe work! It was also a kick to see Cindy Owens from Spam Brando
again, Doug Wahlberg from Party Boss Band, and Willie &
Woody from Ol'Scool—who hung out with us to the closing bell. Our thanks to everyone
for coming!Next week on Saturday, May 8th, the Headstocks will be making our first appearance ever down at the
Redding Roadhouse! We're looking forward to playing in the friendly, intimate space, and we hope we can entice you all into coming down and helping us fire up the party!
15 April 2004 So just to make sure we've been completely clear about this: Clashing Headstocks are not
playing at Mario's on April 24th . . . but we are playing in that very place on Friday, April 30th. Okay, okay, we're overdoing it, we
know. But we don't want anyone to get caught out by the date change, so we'll gladly take the hit for overemphasis.Just a short haul down the road the following weekend, on Saturday,
May 8th, there will be a palpable presence of Headstocks at the Redding Roadhouse
! We heartily recommend you come in early and treat yourself to a meal of their excellent fare, and then hang with us for some rock, some
blues, a little surf—and whatever else we get it into our pointy little heads to have a go at. As that guy always exhorted us to do in those old TV commercials, Come on down! 8 April 2004 So you say the month of April just ain't what it should be without a dose of Headstocks? (C'mon, humor us, just nod.)
Friday, April 30th, Clashing Headstocks will mount the stage (in a caring, respectful way) down at Mario's Cafe
—at 127 Park Avenue in Danbury, CT—where fun and frolic and the inevitable wackiness will summarily ensue. Mark your calendars! Alert your babysitters! And keep watching the skies!
6 April 2004 This is a quick note to let you all know that Clashing Headstocks will not be playing at
Mario's on the 24th. A recent change in the musical format at the venue has now designated Saturday night at Mario's as "Brazilian Night." Return thy browser hither to
What's New in a day or two for info on our rescheduling at Mario's. (Hm. Sounds like a cheesy, misguided title for a horror sequel . . . Headstocks: The Rescheduling.)That's right,
Friday nights are still very much a rockin' affair at Mario's! For empirical proof, one need only check out the exuberant
Hat City Blues on the 9th, and the formidable Ol'Scool
on the 23rd. With spring on the wing, we do believe the party's only just getting started! 23 March 2004 Wow. Words almost fail us. . . . We had a terrific time playing at Lunacon 2004
! We want to thank all the wonderful people who came to hear us play, especially Sharon, Terry, Steven, Russell, and Dan . . . and thanks also to Carole, Dale, and
Charlie for personally offering their generous compliments after the show.We'd also like to thank David Honigsberg
for his most excellent hosting, singing, and playing; soce
for some very cool grooves; Syd Weinstein for his formidable mixology on the sound board; and especially the great group of folks who set up and ran the lighting throughout the show. Our thanks as well to
Leigh Grossman of convention programming for inviting Headstocks to the party; and all the other great volunteers at the convention who made it all happen, and made us feel so welcome.
1 March 2004 Clashing Headstocks are pleased to be materializing down at the Rye Town Hilton in Rye Brook, NY on Friday, March 19th
, where we'll be playing at Lunacon 2004! Our set will be part of the Programming After Dark
track that will take place in the Westchester Ballroom at 10 PM. Lunacon is a science fiction and fantasy convention held annually by the New York Science Fiction Society—the Lunarians, Inc., and has been
going strong for 47 years! We're looking forward to rockin' the house, Headstocks-style!On Saturday, April 24th, we'll return to
Mario's, with special guest Dave Piggott
joining us for the evening! A friend of Dave Houlbrooke's (aka "English Dave"), Dave P is a guitarist of considerable prowess, who plays in Dr Blue and the Prescription
over on the other side of the pond. Those of you who were down at the late, lamented Classic Rock when he visited last year know what we're talking about . . . join us at Mario's, and help us
show Dave a little down-home, 'murican hospitality! 2 February 2004 Thanks a million to all of you who came down to Mario's on Saturday! We also want to thank Vince Howley for loaning us his talents on guitar and
voice, and Doug Wahlberg and George Miller of Party Boss Band for
helping out with toothsome guitar sounds and some mighty tasty bass! And our special thanks go out to guest vocalist, guitarist, and good friend, Bruce Tibbitts
, for placing his headstock at risk the entire night and giving his all to the Headstocks' call. Thank you, Bruce! 7 January 2004
Wow, it's going to take us a little while to get use to that newly incremented digit—but we'll break it in by declaring here that we'll be back at Mario's
again on Saturday, January 31st, with special guest Bruce Tibbitts joining us for the night! While perhaps that date doesn't carry quite the
same celebratory cachet as the previous month's, come on down, and we'll all welcome in the new month together!Speaking of which, thanks to all of you who came down to see us at First Night Danbury! We're especially grateful to all the terrific volunteers who
give of their time and energy to make that community-wide event happen every year, with special shouts going out to Sharon Foster, Ann Germinaro, Doris Chiapetta, and the indomitable Simon Hill
for their continued support. We can't think of a better way to usher in a new year! Home
Members Songlist FAQ Links What's New 22 December 2003
Were you there? At Mario's, Friday night? If you were, thanks for coming! If you weren't, you missed a terrific time, and some awesome guests: Jay Willie from Gutter Boogie Band joined us on guitar for a couple of
tunes—and had us seriously thinkin' the fire marshal was going to close the place down, he was that hot! Ed Pryzby of
Hat City Blues Band, and George Miller of Party Boss Band and Shoo Fly Blues also joined us
for a few tunes, and those guys had the jernt totally rockin'! Jay, Ed, George . . . thank you, guys, for the early Christmas presents! And special thanks go out to Sharon, Ann, Joan, and
Doris for being the earlybird believers! We love ya, ladies!If you haven't bought your button
yet for First Night Danbury, there's still
time. Come join the rest of your friends and neighbors from the community the night of Wednesday, December 31st, and be a part of the city-wide
celebration that will welcome in the New Year! We can't begin to describe all the events that will take place, but rest assured, there will be Headstocks! We'll be rockin' down in the Salvation Army gym
once more, at 15 Foster Street, with sets at 8:45, 9:30, and 10:15 p.m. Just check out the
schedule for the wheres and whens of all the other cool happenings
that will be . . . er, well, happening. There's fun and entertainment for the whole family available; the good folks who volunteer to
put this thing together each year have seen to that. Don't be one of those unfortunate few who only hear about how great it was the next day! 29 November 2003
If you haven't stopped down at Mario's yet and you want a reason, come join us when we return on Friday, December 19th. The joint is picking up
steam, and with the open mic about to crank it up come this Thursday, December 4th, you know it's only going to become an even bigger
musical nexus! ("Ah, Nexus. I do your eyes.") Directions are but a click away.
We had a terrific time on the 21st, and want to thank all of you who came out. In particular, we raise a hearty Headstocks "Halloo!" to Bruce Tibbitts of Jamnesia, Vince Howley
, Dave Lott of Hat City Blues, and Doug Wahlberg and George Miller of
Party Boss, for all lending their talents and energies to the night's mix! And our special thanks go out to
Sharon Foster for vocal assistance on "Shake, Rattle and Roll." 31 October 2003
Just when things seem slow, that's when surprises abound. Friday, November 21st, please come on down and join us at Mario's for an
up-tempo night of rock'n'roll! Those of you who used to come to Blues Alley, you already know how to get there . . . for everyone else, directions can be found
here.The week before, on November 14th, our good friends in Gutter Boogie
will be kicking off the first of what we hope will be many Friday Rock Nights to come at Mario's. If you're one of the many people who have bemoaned
the absence of an intimate music venue in western Danbury, come on out both Fridays, and help give Mario's a rockin' bumpstart! 27 October 2003
Yet another neighborly note: Bill and Sean will once more be kickin' it out with Cinnamon Sky at the Georgetown Saloon
on Friday, November 7th. The Magic Eight Ball says, "With these guys onboard, it's got to rock!"The . . . very . . . next . . . night
, Saturday, November 8th, The Shoo Fly Blues will be cranking it up at the Georgetown , with special guest Bob Fink from Jamnesia hunkerin' down on the keyboards! Headstocks
Dave Houlbrooke and Bob offer their personal guarantees: the music will make you want to move!So with all the non-Headstocks gigs going on, you might ask, "Are you guys
still, like . . . y'know, a band?" Bwa-ha-hah! Yes, Virginia, there is a Clashing Headstocks. (Not believe in Clashing Headstocks? You might as
well not believe in rock 'n' roll!) The Headstocks are still getting it done, putting together new tunes and having more fun than ever doing it. Presently, we're scheduled to play the First Night Danbury celebration
again this New Year's Eve. We had a blast last year, and hope you can join us for our jubilant return. Bookmark this What's New
page, and keep checking in, and we'll keep you posted on other, future opportunities for you to hear what we've been up to. (To defer to the previous conceit, where
Headstocks are concerned . . . "Ah, Virginia, in all this world there is nothing else real and abiding.")A final, cautionary note: with all the beautiful fall foliage surrendering to
these pelting, seasonal rains, we hope all of you exercise a little extra care out there as you motor the autumnal roadways. Wet leaves on asphalt can
play havoc with friction coefficients—even moreso when you're relying on two wheels instead of four. Keep it safe, folks, and keep on rocking: Headstocks'll be sure to keep you covered there!
27 August 2003 Just a neighborly note: Bill and Sean will be riding shotgun when Cinnamon Sky takes the stage down at the
Georgetown Saloon this Saturday, the 30
th. Why not stop on by and say "Howdy"?Now go outside and look at Mars. It's beautiful. 11 August 2003
Clashing Headstocks are delighted to be returning to Molly Darcy's on
Thursday, August 21st! Driving directions are available here. This is a
short-notice thang, so don't be thrown if you see a listing that night for "Gravel Road." We haven't changed our name: we're still Headstocks and we're proud. Come on in, and help us testify!
19 May 2003 It's a go: Clashing Headstocks will be picking up the beat down at
Molly Darcy's on Thursday, July 10th. It's a big club with a friendly staff and a
spacious dance floor right in front of the stage, so throw on your dancing shoes and come on down! We'll see you there! 5 May 2003
Firstly, our thanks to all of you who came down to Le Rock Classique, for giving our special guest Dave Piggott ('ee's from England, in'ee?) such a warm welcome. And we send out special thanks to John Sullivan
of Jamnesia for sitting in the night with us on blues harp. (Tasty stuff, John, as
always!) Our thanks, as well, go out to Vince Howley, Alex Pazsak III from The Shoo Fly Blues
, and George Miller from Party Boss Band and
The Shoo Fly Blues, for hitting the stage with us and sharing their awesome talents. Gentlemen, verily, thou dost rock!Secondly, the bad news: effective May 4th
, the Classic Rock is now no more
. Clashing Headstocks want to extend our deepest thanks to all of the fine folks down at the Brew Pub, who always made us and our friends feel
more than welcome. And, in particular, we want to express our unbridled appreciation to Dennis Simonson for making the Classic Rock a haven
for good people, good times, and so much great, live music. Thank you, Dennis, for daring to dream! 30 March 2003
Ho man, was that a party at the Classic Rock, or what? We're all still feeling our veins hum, and it's
you we have to thank: you people are the best! Special thanks go out to Frank Munzenmayer from The Shoo Fly Blues
for ridin' shotgun on harmonica with us throughout the night, George Miller from Party Boss Band
and The Shoo Fly Blues for the funky bass licks he was lendin', "Spooky" Vince Howley
for some haunting guitar and vocals . . . and Bruce Tibbitts of Jamnesia for guitar, vocals, and oh so
much more! Gents, you're an inspiration. From the bottom of our hearts . . . for loaning your spirit and talent to the Headstocks love machine . . . thank you one and all!
If you'd like to know what's all the hubub, bub, join us at the Classic Rock on Friday,
April 25th when Clashing Headstocks will return—with our special guest Dave Piggott, who'll be visiting us all the way from England!
That's right . . . with guitar in hand and a song in his heart, another English Dave. (You can never have too many, right?) Please, come on down, and help us welcome him to our friendly American shores!
13 March 2003 Feel like a trip down to the Classic Rock
? Clashing Headstocks do, and we'll be playing there Saturday, March 29th to prove it. Come on by and say hi, we'd love to see ya!
2 January 2003 We had a terrific time at the First Night Danbury
celebration, and hope you did, too! Our thanks go out to Simon Hill for his tireless work minding the
door; the friendly, helpful folks at the Salvation Army who lent their support providing a cozy place for us to play; and Sharon Foster, Judy Vogt, and
all the other wonderful people who volunteer their time and energy to make a community effort like First Night come together. And a hearty, Headstocks shout goes out to
Bob Stanhope, who performed his funny, entertaining songs with poise and charm upstairs in the Salvation Army
chapel. Good sharing the venue with you, Bob!There will be assorted (and sordid? We leave that to you to judge—) Headstocks appearances in January. On Thursday, the 16th
, Bob and Dave Houlbrooke will be filling in for the inestimable Bruce Tibbitts, hosting the weekly open mic blues jam at
The Colorado Brewery on Delay Street in Danbury. Wethinks there might be other Headstocks lurking about. . . .The following night, Friday the 17th
, Clashing Headstocks will appear at the Classic Rock, giving our all for rock 'n' roll!
The week after that, on Thursday the 23rd, The Shoo Fly Blues will make their
Classic Rock debut, with the ubiquitous Dave Houlbrooke on lead guitar. (And you have
got to hear Sharon Wells on lead vocals! Like a boid, the lady sings.)From all us Headstocks to all of you, thanks for your kind attendance and
support, and we hope your New Year is a bright and joyous one! Home Members FAQ Songlist Links What's New
4 December 2002 If you're one of the many people who have told us you'd like to hear us play,
but can't get out to the clubs because of "adult" responsibilities (i.e., children), we have the answer: Clashing Headstocks will be playing
First Night Danbury this year, Tuesday, December 31st. Toss the kids in the minivan (in a gentle, loving way), and c'mon down to the
Salvation Army Gym at 15 Foster Street in Danbury! This year's schedule is available on
the First Night site right now. We'll be playing sets at 5:30, 6:15, and 8:15 PM. Details on the purchase of admission buttons—which provide access to all
the neat First Night events—can be found here. Let's all usher in the
New Year together . . . hope to see you there! 28 October 2002 We had such a good time two weeks ago, we figured we'd give it another
go (don'tcha know): Clashing Headstocks are returning to Dan's Dining Car this Friday, the 1st, and Saturday, the 2nd
. The Dining Car is located at 46 Railroad Street, in New Milford, CT
. We'll be starting at 9 p.m., and we're all looking forward to seeing you there! 16 October 2002
Okay, not quite as last-minute as the previous one: Clashing Headstocks will be playing two consecutive nights—this Friday and Saturday, the 18th and 19th
—at Dan's Dining Car. The Dining Car is located at 46 Railroad Street,
up in sunny New Milford, CT. We kick off at eight. Hope you can come by and help us lively up the place! 27 September 2002
Talk about your eleventh hour announcements. . . . Those loveable, squeezable Headstocks will be playing at Kaleidoscope tonight, Friday, September 27th
. Kaleidoscope is located at 59 Bank Street, in the
teeming metropolis of New Milford, CT. Hope we see you there! 21 September 2002 So whatever happened to Fajita Night at the
Classic Rock? you might wonder . . . (humor us here, please). Well, it's still going strong and steady
as ever, and to prove it we'll be there this Thursday, September 26th. (Y'see, Bill has this cool cocktail V-drum kit he wants to put through its
paces, and we figured, what better place to break it in than upstairs at the Brew Pub? No, really, our reasoning is sound here. C'mon down and check it out!)
23 August 2002 Just a quick note: we're limbering up for another night at Ye Olde Classic Rock
, Saturday, September 7th. We have some new stuff we're itching to try out—hope to see you all down there! 14 July 2002
Our thanks again to all of you who made it down to the Classic Rock
last night! Our special thanks go out to Tammy Brett of Foreclosure for stepping into the guest spotlight and gifting us with her talented bass
playing . . . and once more, we offer this laurel, and hearty handshake, to our pal Bruce Tibbitts of Jamnesia
for whipping out some tunes with us! 29 June 2002 Our thanks to all of you who came down to the CRBP on the 20th! We'd also like to thank Dave Lott once again for contributing his musical
talents—and our special thanks go out to Bruce Tibbitts of Jamnesia for
taking a stroll with us on the Headstocks side of town! You rule, BT!And now, turning to the news . . . we'd like you to mark your calendars: Saturday, July 13th,
Clashing Headstocks are returning to CRBP! Will Dave Lott
be there, sporting harpage? You betchum! Other surprise guests? Count on it! Come on down, and get with the motion! 17 June 2002
It's the fajitas, we tells ya: everytime we think we've eaten our fill, they keep calling us back! Also, the CRBP
is a cool place to play, and we always enjoy meeting the new folks we see there. Come on down, Thursday, June 20th, and join the Headstocks, our good friend Dave Lott, and some
surprise guests, as we knock the joint around! 18 May 2002
What's new? We'll tell you: we'll be doing that heady, Headstocks thang once again, down at the CRBP on
Thursday, May 30th! Hope we see you there! 2 April 2002 We want to thank all of you who made it down to
CRBP last Thursday to help us welcome Dave Houlbrooke into the League of Headstocks! Dave is not only a skilled and musical player, but his right-handedness helps
restore the cosmic balance. Ah, symmetry . . .We also send our thanks out to Dave Lott for gracing us once again with his talent and acumen. You da man, Dave! 9 March 2002 Clashing Headstocks are returning to the Classic Rock Brew Pub
Thursday, March 28th, for another night of music and mayhem. Join us in the newly redecorated upstairs bar/restaurant, and help us delve into the
mystery and delight of Fajita Night. They'll be two for the price of one (fajitas, that is, not Headstocks . . . well, not all of us, anyway). No cover or
minimum required—just an appetite for good music and good food! Hope we see you there! 23 February 2002
Hey, okay, sure, it's been a little while. . . . We could regale you with the moving tale of a mortally wounded operating system, of obstinate software,
of what can happen when hard drives grow up and outstrip their motherboard's access speed . . . but that would mean reliving it all, and anyway, we're here about music.
All our thanks go out to those of you who came down to the Classic Rock Brew Pub last Thursday! You're the ones that made it such a good time for
us, and we do appreciate it. We had a lot of fun breaking in some new tunes. And, once again, our thanks to Dave Houlbrooke and Dave Lott for making the stage mix even more interesting.
We promise—now that this mayfly computer technology is once more working with us, and not agin—that we'll be more conscientious about posting news when it's news, instead of history. Home Members
Songlist Links
What's New 9 April 2001 Hooboy, you guys are sumpin'! You really made it happen for us over in
Newtown Saturday night! It's folks like you who help keep live music alive, and the Headstocks thank you largely for giving us a terrific night we'll never forget.We'd especially like to thank
Bob Willaum (from Just Visiting), John Sullivan ("Sully!"), Bruce Tibbitts (from Jamnesia), and Dave Lott for
sitting in with us during the night, and spicing the Headstocks' stew with their own unique, musical flavors. And a special Headstocks hoorah goes out to Dave Houlbrooke
for all those toothsome Tele tones. Tasty, Dave! If you're one of those unfortunate, wayward souls who missed the party, you'll have more chances in the coming months. Please join us when the
Headstocks return to Hotshots on May 26th and June 30th
. Hope you can make it! 5 March 2001 We've been crankin' on some new tunes, is what's new. Come on down to Hotshots in Newtown, CT on Saturday, April 7th, and let us know what
you think of 'em! We're particularly looking forward to playing an expanded group of selections with our good friend, loyal supporter, and ace axe-meister, Dave Houlbrooke
. Mark your calendars—hope to see you there! Home Members FAQ Songlist Links What's New
29 October 2000 Our deepest thanks to all of you who came down to the CRBP
Thursday night, during what proved to be the final game of the Series. It was great having you all there!Speaking of bobbled balls (nice segue, eh?), the last-minute Players gig the following Saturday, the 28th, did not pan out as planned. A regrettable
misunderstanding in the scheduling has postponed our appearance there until the following Friday, November 3rd. Now that the wires have been
uncrossed, we're looking forward to unlimbering some Headstocks-style rock in a spankin' new venue here in Danbury. Hope you can make it down! 1 October 2000
The Headstocks invite you to come on down to the Classic Rock Brew Pub, Thursday
, October 26th, for a night of rock 'n' roll! $3 cover, but Thursday is Ladies' Night at the CRBP, so the fairer folk get in absolutely
free! There'll also be free well drinks and drafts for women between 8 and 10 (that's o'clock, you pervs), and $2 drafts and ten-cent wings for all, regardless of plumbing. Hope to see you all there!
22 September 2000 Photos
from The Casino are finally up! Thanks to all the great folks in SFF Net
IRC for the eyetime, and their helpful observations on the layout. 22 August 2000 The Casino
gig was a blast! Our thanks to Al, and all our new friends up in
Huletts, for making our very first road trip a memorable delight. We'll get some pictures up on the site as soon as we convince Sean (and his camera) to come back down. Watch this space! 18 August 2000 You're absolutely right, it's been quiet out here . . . too quiet.Our Classic Rock Brew Pub appearance on July 12th
was well received, and we thank each and every one of you who made it down there for your continued support. It really keeps us going! Over the last few months, we've done some short sets at
Luigi's Nightlife Cafe on Main Street in Danbury, CT, breaking new tunes into the repertoire. Our thanks to Kathy and Gino for keeping the Monday night open mic going, and especially to
Bruce Tibbitts for doing such a great job of hosting. Yeah, Monday . . . it makes for some tough Tuesday mornings, but the musical vibe there always more than makes up for any
minor sleep deprivation. Check it out if you can! And most recently: this isn't a whole heckuva lot of warning, here, but if you find yourself at loose ends tomorrow night, the 19th
, in the vicinity of Lake George, Headstocks will be there for you! Drop by the Casino
in Huletts Landing, NY
. C'mon, pile the young 'uns into the pickup. Road trip! Home Members FAQ Songlist Links What's New 12 December 1999 There's a group photo on the Members
page, now . . . and our psychotic webmaster skipped his meds and spawned a new Photos page instead,
which we'll continue adding to as time and good taste permit. 27 November 1999
Hope you've all recovered from the obligatory post-Thanksgiving torpor . . . and a hearty Headstocks "Thank you!" to all of you who made it over to the Brew Pub on the 17th
— we couldn't have done it without you!New photos are on the way! Check back on our Band Members page soon
for the impending graphics makeover. (No, your ears are not enough. Clashing Headstocks is a multimedia experience. Stay tuned—at this rate, can MP3s be far off?)
31 October 1999 Well, you've reset all your clocks, and you've got the perfect Halloween costume picked out. Not much to look forward to after tonight's party, I
guess, except that long, chilly slide toward the winter holidays . . . It shall not be so! Help the Headstocks stave off those impending winter doldrums at the Classic Rock Brew Pub on
Wednesday, November 17th, when we kick off the evening's open mike at 9 PM. Come hear what we've been up to since July! For detailed directions to the venue,
us. We'd love to see you there! 2 October 1999
If you're reading this, you've already found your way to the relocated Web site with its new URL (which now at least vaguely relates to who we are).
We've given the pages the once over, including the addition of a spankin' new e-mail account. Check out the site and
let us know
what you think! 10 August 1999 What?! You weren't
part of that wonderful crowd that greeted our open-mike debut at the Classic Rock Brew Pub on 21 July? All we can say is, you missed a kick-ass party! If you'd like a few glimpses of what transpired, hie
ye hence to Taibhse's Land of Shadows for some pictures—courtesy of the
Headstocks' mysterious Official Photographer and fiercely loyal techno-wraith. 22 July 1999
Dave, Sean, and Bob are all bangin' our heads for joy as we welcome drummer Bill Fedorko into the Headstocks fold! Bill's got a keen, studious
ear, two steady hands, and a strong right foot on the kick that boots us into the groove every time. After five rehearsals together, we can't stop sailing
on the endorphin rush! (This, my fren, is the real deal!) Señor Dieciséis
, we love ya . . . drop us a card when you find work, we'll do lunch. Ciao, baby! Home
Members FAQ Songlist Links What's New