9 June 2009
Omigosh, there's an e-mail going out, see? And it's all about what we're doing this weekend, Friday and Saturday, the 12th and 13th? But, like, if
you're not on the mailing list, then—oh, woe is you!—you're not plugged in? Like, to the places we're playing those days? So, like, how can you even hope to—Ouch. Enough.
I think we just broke our brain doing that. No, really, it hurt. Really. We confess, we just don't do vapid market-speak terribly well. It's a shortcoming, we admit it, and we're working on it—seminars,
correspondence courses, the whole magilla. But in the interim, how about you just take our plain-spoken word for it: that this Friday we are going to rock the Kicking Horse Grill, and this Saturday, we are going to totally break down the Lumberyard Pub. Eh? Will you trust us on this?!
Seriously. We're on the clock, and we don't have time to screw around: Headstocks are looking to bust up the joint. Stay with us over the next few
months, and meaning will derive. In the meantime, we'll never steer you wrong: we intend to deliver the bidness! Come, please, and see what the show is.
6 June 2009 At the risk of turning this into a blog (bear with us, it could happen yet), does anyone else find the Optimum Online guy as completely, hateably repulsive
as we do? Seriously, we're pretty mellow folk on the Headstocks end of the tubes, but whenever that smug, simpering shithead comes on, he makes us
want to start handloading .357 hollow points with malice aforethought.Of course, maybe it's just us. 23 January 2009
Hope we haven't been too obscure about the where and when.
Look, we know we've been a bit random in our appearances this past year. There are reasons, and they don't really inform the joy, so let it go, we let it
go . . . but we're here now, and we want it to be plain: we will be singing and playing as much as we can. Check out our schedule
, check out the music, give us a listen, and let us know what you like. We'll be there and we'll be listening.
We want to hear you. Give us your voice. It tells us you're listening. 24 December 2008
Our heartfelt wishes to all of you for a happy holiday, and a huggable new year. Headstocks have some irons in the fire, so keep checking in on this space (and our
Schedule—which you've long since bookmared, right? . . . right?) for the latest up-to-the-minute updates.Meantime, be with your loved ones and let them know how much you care.
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